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    Friday, March 30, 2018
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    1. Great music from Edmonton!!!! I just love it, keep it up. Also great to see the word "Situations" being used for all humans current situation and around the to the world. This song needs more play

    2. Awesome work and we always know your sound any where. Situation? not this song but J-Double-R has a new album coming up "Low-Key" album along with singles plus new "low-key" position at Venus511 & Roster newly opening in Edmonton Alberta. Continue being you and wish you the best. #GAMECHANGER

    3. on my playlist forso' heading to the Golds gym right now! Situation *Flex*

    4. Edmonton takeoverrrrrrrrrrrr, my gggguuyyy alberta got a situation! The old Edmonton city chief of police had a problem then, lets hope the new one by oct will be able join forces or run into anoter SSiiiiitttuuuattioooonnssss damn. lowkey team is crazy and chick is white?? nice ting' and at least shes canadian and dont fuk aroundddddddd


    Item Reviewed: J-Double-R - Situations [Audio] Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Jay Aura
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